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What We Do


T he heart of Amar Majuli's community work in Majuli is our work with ‘Rengam’ Women Weavers Cooperative members. The goal of Rengam is to provide its 140 members and their families with sustainable livelihood in the fields of handloom and eco-tourism while maintaining their rich cultural heritage. Since Rengam's inception, Amar Majuli has been supporting the cooperative's members through a capacity building process including professional trainings; skills development; guidance and assistance in formal meetings; exposure visits; and facilitation of their connection with reliable national and international fair-trade market partners, while protecting their rights and ensuring their independence. Beyond being a source of income and of independence, the Rengam cooperative is a platform for emerging women leaders and collective action.


T he lack of public transportation coupled with the remoteness of the villages severely limits the mobility of women on the island (a simple walk to the market or the hospital can take hours). To address this challenge, Amar Majuli facilitated and supported the establishment and operations of the first women Bicycle Bank in Majuli. The innovative bicycle bank, located in two flood affected remote villages, was initialized with the goal of improving women’s mobility and independence Women living in these villages can purchase a bicycle with a comfortable loan through the Bicycle Bank. The Bicycle Bank is based on an economically-sustainable model and is now owned and run independently by local women. Throughout the year we support and train the bank management and organize cycle learning camps, cycle races and cycle rallies to encourage more women to participate.

The women’s cycle bank model is inspired by the Ant trust Assam


O ver ninety-percent of Majuli's inhabitants depend on subsistence agriculture, a sector which is acutely vulnerable to the environmental hazards and is characterized by general low productivity. This situation is aggravated by a general lack of awareness to possible existing solutions and very limited access to technological innovations and.


To that end, we work with famers in order to improve food security and to ensure the conservation of the village’s soil and water. Our action strategy includes the establishment of unique “community demonstration plots”. Which were set up in different flood-affected villages on the island and are used to demonstrate sustainable and innovative technologies in the field.

T he community demonstration plots are equipped with drip irrigation system (donated by Netafim), which were introduced to the island. The demonstration plots are a place for the learning and sharing of practical knowledge by experts, volunteers and local farmers. Throughout the process, the famers face seasonal challenges, learn and practice environment- friendly techniques and sustainable innovative technologies, therefore improving their food security. The organic agriculture training program runs in a unique partnership with Farm 2 Food Foundation: An Assam-based NGO who does exceptional work in the field of organic agriculture and entrepreneurship.

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Every year during the monsoon season (July – September) Majuli island is flooded. While the floods are considering to be a blessing for the fertility of the soil, their effect on the lives of the local community can be devastating. Most of the communities we work with live in low lands near to the river and therefore are severely affected by the floods. During the monsoon session we shift the core of our work in order to deal with the pressing needs caused by this harsh time of year, relating mainly to health and sanitary problems and to the lack of access to clean water.


The Ved Wati Common Loom project is designed to empower women in remote villages by providing them with state-of-the-art looms. Nestled in secure and protected shelters to shield them from the vagaries of weather, these innovative looms address the challenges faced during rainy seasons, preventing damage to weaving equipment.

Traditionally, women had simple Bamboo looms under their houses, but floods and the rainy season would halt their work. This project establishes durable shelters, combining traditional wooden construction with stable concrete foundations, ensuring protection from floods, rain, and sun. We've also acquired modern, high-quality looms to boost productivity, significantly improving the livelihoods of the women. 

To date, we have successfully implemented the project in three different locations particularly vulnerable to weather hazards. Our approach is communal - in each area, Women groups share a loom on a rotational basis, taking responsibility for its maintenance. These looms and structures are owned and operated by the Rengam women weavers cooperative and facilitated and supported by Amar Majuli. They are generously funded by Mr. Harsh Sing Lohit, in honor of his late mother and her inspirational social action and communal contributions.

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Copyrights ©2016 AMAR MAJULI. All rights reserved.

Photos by Maya Navon 

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